The sound artist slightly abandons the downbeat and avid IDM tendency of his musical textures to embellish his style of eerily fixated droning motifs and densely layered patterns.

Shrouded in a drifting dark bliss
2methyl is a multi-sided and electronic-driven project headed by Nicolas Druoton. In this new opus, the sound artist slightly abandons the downbeat and avid IDM tendency of his musical textures to embellish his style of eerily fixated droning motifs and densely layered patterns. The journeying cinematic quality of the album and its abundant tense atmosphere plunge the listener in a turbulent and primordial vortex. The ecstatic effervescence and sonic bliss of this album admit aesthetic affinity with subterranean, dark ambient, and industrial soundscapes. The blackened, thrilling, enveloping, towering, and raging otherworldliness built on is punctuated by tiny piano harmonies and fragmented melodies. Lovers of hauntingly textured un-teleological ambient sculptures and different avenues of synthesized dark music with a cinematic bound will find interest here. Without pushing boundaries, this album follows the heritage of stellar ambient music shrouded in a drifting dark bliss, notably from Phelios, False Mirror, Yen Pox et al.
The Breach is available on Bandcamp.