Francis Gri & Lilium :: Cycles (Krysalisound)

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This album preserves an expressive environmental sound aestheticism, continuously soothing, slightly bitter, but without being too austere.

A sympathy for acoustic sounding nuances

Francis Gri is the owner of Krysalisound, a way appreciated publisher among other small indie labels with clear objectives around the promotion and diffusion of modern day electro-acoustic, downtempo, ambient music to a community of avid practitioners in deep home-listening and immersive sound experiences. He is also a sound producer with a musical signature which draws a path between guitar-centric minimal sceneries and soothing ambient sculptures enhanced by meticulous work on micro-tonal motifs.

This new effort us is the result of a collaborative work with Lilium—providing diaphanous and incandescent vocal vibes which makes the music more organic, shimmering, and breathing next to the use textural and sculpted chordal drones. This album is preciously evocative, inviting the listener to invest himself in a sensitive and affective way to a study of recollection in personal engulfed memories. This album preserves an expressive environmental sound aestheticism, continuously soothing, slightly bitter, but without being too austere. It remains an easy going, accessible, and colorful minimal electronic album with a sympathy for acoustic sounding nuances.

Recommended if you are into meditative music with sustained-processed and reverbed sounds obtained by treatments on real instruments (mainly repetitive piano patterns, e-guitar notes, and cello moves) and vocals. An oceanic, immediate, intuitive and intimate album which seems to be connected to Zen principles or to a personal satori leading to spiritual enlightenment. At the junction between functional new age music, sentient modern-classical, and challenging ambient-ish incursions. Worthy musical backgrounds for moving introspective images, contemplative cerebral activities, and a break through everyday life and its velocity. In similar musical obedience and flowingly calm, fragile semi-acoustic modern ambient styles of Hior Chronik, Colleen, Helios, Le lendemain, Eydis Evensen, and Grouper.

Music by Francis Gri
Vocals by Lilium
Composed and recorded between 2018 and 2023
Mixed and mastered by Francis Gri
Artwork by Francis & Lilium

Cycles is available on Krysalisound. [Bandcamp]

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