Erik Wøllo & Bernhard Wöstheinrich :: Weltenuhr (DiN)

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A sentimental, touching then experimental voyage through beautifully ethereal synthscaping sequences and punchy electronic grooves punctuated by delightful absorbing vocal parts.

This massively spacey work and flowing sci-fi electronic orchestration is the result of collaborative work between two well known artists who already published several materials for Ian Boddy’s indispensable music laboratory DiN. Besides of being eclectic musicians and inter-media artists Bernhard Wöstheinrich and Erik Wøllo are two key figures of the Berlin Kosmische musik school revival. They provide to the golden story of vintage electronic music a second breath thanks to new sound explorations, to the use of new technologies and innovative musical vocabularies.

This is the second album they’ve recorded together, more than four years after the deep ambient based classic Arcadia Borealis. This new effort is a sentimental, touching then experimental voyage through beautifully ethereal synthscaping sequences and punchy electronic grooves punctuated by delightful absorbing vocal parts (in the gorgeous opening theme “Gale”), virtuous bass and soloing guitar lines. The challenging and almost hybrid-jazzy electronic touch represents the leading compositional component here thanks to a meticulous dialogue between drum programs, pulsating bass lines and slowly moving synth textures (in “Subgiants.”) Some delicate and contemplative guitar ambient aerial themes such as in “Oculus” and in the ethno-ritual electronic “Denser World” remind me a few classic compositions from Richard Whanfried and Manuel Gottsching. Otherwise the musical argument is focused on gently new agey cinematic synth waves (“Echoes of Parlours”) or more mysteriously dark ambient-ish dronescape as in the beautiful and poignant guitar ambient self-title track.

Weltenuhr is at the same time a flowing, radiantly new agey, restful and rhythmically dynamic space-ambient release. Plenty of good moments and moving synthetic tones that will definitely find favorable echoes among DiN usual followers.

Weltenuhr is available on DiN.

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