A masterclass in Berlin School-inspired sequencing, immersive soundscapes, and a fusion of electronic textures that recall the golden age of 1970s synthesis while embracing modern production techniques.
Tag: DiN
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2024
Highlighting hundreds of releases in 2024 (and allowing December to set in), we’ve compiled a list of our favorites along with links to their corresponding Igloo reviews and release pages. Since the lists are arranged alphabetically by artist—and a snapshot of tracks are featured in our Soundcloud playlist along with selected Bandcamp tracks and random artwork selections—there are, as usual, no winners or runners-up.
ARC :: Chronicle (DiN)
Chronicle contains aspects of industrial, techno, and ambient genres; with due sophistication, it meshes well with music from an earlier era.
Ian Boddy :: 25 Years of DiN
“The DiN ambient label was set up by Ian Boddy in 1999 to release ambient electronica that bridged the gap between the analogue sound of the early 70’s synth pioneers and the digital soundscapes of the more experimental modern exponents of electronic music.” Now celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a colossal 20 track compilation (CD/Digital), Ian Boddy discusses the label and its history with Philippe Blache.
V/A :: 25 Years of DiN (DiN)
With versality, skills, and a delectable sense of transcendental escapism, every musical contribution brings tone textures, patterns, timbral experimentations, harmonic progressions, and processed sound motifs to ravish your ears.
Field Lines Cartographer :: Portable Reality Generator (DiN)
The modular maven channels something of an early TD sound-feel via post-Kosmische textures, motifs, and rhythms; new projections in the head cinema, strangely familiar, yet otherworldly.
Christian Kleine :: Environmental Cure (Self Released)
Christian Kleine’s tenth album is a pleasant departure from the standard; deftly showcasing electronics of the late nineties and immersing them in an emotional and sonic instrumental stew.
Ian Boddy :: Modal Operandi (Quiet Details)
Modal Operandi is a fulfilling listen. Tracks bear fruit through melodic complexity and the inclusion of quiet, often minute details that can be more and more readily detected on repeat listens.
Parallel Worlds :: Fragmented (DiN)
Listening further and more closely, I perceived that Fragmented sounds more contemporary—the music has an industrial edge. The album has a tasteful minimalist quality as does much of Cluster, but it sounds more relentless and more driven in pace.