Dahlia’s Tear :: Descendants of the Moon (Cryo Chamber)

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Descendants of the Moon delivers incessant droning timbral atmospheres, reverberant textures with one appealing, charming and graceful crystalline flavor. It negotiates a balance between smooth ambiences and darkened ritualistic incantations and is highly recommended.

Smooth ambiences and darkened ritualistic incantations

Cryo Chamber‘s highly acclaimed production in catombesque, cinematic and ethereally spacious ambient music. The albums often come out with an assortment of conceptual lines with roots in antique beliefs, mystical arcanas and occult arts melted with utopian fascination for post-humanity and the religious eschatology. Its natural inclination to such complex thoughts and imaginary worlds fruitfully accompany ominous electronic soundtracks with a serious sense of evocativeness and uneasy feelings.

This new album by Dahlia’s Tear efficiently falls in this conceptual category, bringing to the listener a glimmering journey through paranormal and hermetic legends of the past, notably focusing its interest on the esoteric spiritual tendency and secret initiatic path which prevailed during the reign of the heroïc and semi-divine figure of Gilgamesh in Ancient Mesopotamia. Musically speaking Dahlia’s Tear is loyal to its usual sound sculpting signature which transcends the lines between mournful/bleak droney sequences, sily tones and sparse melodies obtained by a vast array of synthesized textures, processed micro-noisy waves and ambivalent digitized structures. With albums from Sabled Sun, Shrine or Sphäre Sechs—it’s no doubt that this release corresponds to icy spaciness moments of Cryo Chamber. Descendants of the Moon delivers incessant droning timbral atmospheres, reverberant textures with one appealing, charming and graceful crystalline flavor. It negotiates a balance between smooth ambiences and darkened ritualistic incantations and is highly recommended.

Descendants of the Moon is available on Cryo Chamber. [Bandcamp]

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