All in all a composite, convoluted and plural electronic album dedicated to mysterious, suspenseful and uncanny textures.

Alien, menacing, and otherworldly
Key actor in the defense of modern days downtempo ambient music and challenging electronic music with an experimental edge, Mahorka welcomes the debut album of sound artist Christophe Bailleau. Vertical Moon Phase Charm is a strong cinematic inflected album of dystopian sci-fi quality, a journey through the vastness of the human psyche connected to multi-level reality. It evolves in electroacoustic music territory with a nice assortment of disembodied noises, fractal assaultive electronic motifs, elastic thrills and chilling keyboard vibes to create something alien, menacing, and otherworldly.
Reminiscent to some conceptual sound design offered by the empreintes DIGITALes imprint with artists such as Michele Bokanowski or Francis Dhomont at their most visceral but also evocative moments. Apart from the reference to historical works in contemporary music, the album contains a certain dose of kinetic moving electronic beats which sometimes invest tribal retro-futuristic ambiences. It reveals analogies with the sonic experiences of space ambient artists when designing pulsating hypnotic beats seconded by enveloping sound waves (Michael Stearns), also chill wave dream pop. The minimal and granular noisy articulations with several participants as guest artists, this album has a fundamental collective facet: A Limb, Stanley Christiaensen, Konejo, Innocent But Guilty and Paradise Now. All in all a composite, convoluted and plural electronic album dedicated to mysterious, suspenseful and uncanny textures.
Vertical Moon Phase Charm is available on Mahorka. [Bandcamp]