Brainquake + Sven Phalanx :: From The Oblivion Lounge (Mahorka)

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Scattered and shattered rhythms echo across the landscape, sometimes fleeting with shifting time signatures that one can almost grasp at.

Scattered and shattered rhythms echo

Noted as a collaboration label, Bulgaria’s Mahorka not only releases abstract electronic music; they also bring together musicians in an attempt to unveil an alternative sonic angle. Brainquake and Sven Phalanx merge forces to create vast, exploratory industrial-techno soundscapes and distant escapes with a darker leaning edge. From The Oblivion Lounge reveals a dualism between mechanically bound constructs and dark ambient synth-drones; the result is a myriad of clanging beats, blips, and broken bass.

Scattered and shattered rhythms echo across the landscape, sometimes fleeting with shifting time signatures that one can almost grasp at. And that’s really at the heart of this album; while both artists elevate their levels of disheveled electronics, the also result provide just enough oomph to get us through these harsh audible realities. Highlights include “Secrets,” “Impfektiert,” “Harsh News, “Cold People,” “Bass Fodder,” and “Restraint.”

From The Oblivion Lounge is available on Mahorka. [Bandcamp]

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