Andrea Gabriele :: Biography of You / Biografia di te (ODE)

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Meticulously documented with a rigorous development and a coherent-directive line between ideas, the projects brings to the fore a cognitive-functional dimension about perceptual phenomenon but also an anthropological dimension with its insistent reference to human-being in its totality.

Biography of You is the second conceptual-intermedia release issued by the editor / label ODE and which features here the sound designer Andrea Gabriel in collaboration with numerous artists (including writers, actors, visual artists.) Beautifully conceived, the object is delivered as a book + DVD package for an edition of 500 copies. The soundtrack can be available in digital format too on commercial platforms. The architecture of this release is quite complex, intellectually dense with some poetical-reflective accents. It brings to the fore the subjective idea of biography as a typical retrospective meaningful state (a typified model of being) and its objective facet as participation to existence seen as a human communion among alter-egos (dimension of the otherness in our life and its psychosocial shape). Meticulously documented with a rigorous development and a coherent-directive line between ideas, the projects brings to the fore a cognitive-functional dimension about perceptual phenomenon but also an anthropological dimension with its insistent reference to human-being in its totality, the collective artistic configuration of this project also reinforces the anthropological-interactive aspect between various technics, languages, conceptions and expressions naturally interconnected around a global art form.

The material offers interactive-downtempo-minimal abstract ambient pieces melted into audio-visual performance and sound poetries. The opening track provides an electronic piece around various abrupt manipulations, molecular like sound projections, bass laden transmissions and talking movements. The second piec is a spacious alternative kinetic ambient track always sustained by descriptive-analytical texts which (as most of tracks here) can not be dissociated to the soundscape. Tracks three delivers a curious-enveloping monadic sound excursions through enigmatic texts, resonant reverbs and impressionistic looped motives. The album closes with a majestic and deeply absorbing melodious ambient track based on poetical figures and voluptuous acoustic timbres. A mysterious track in real intimacy with the listener.

To sum up things, Biography of You can be appreciated as a sonically ambient environment, contemplating the multi-level perspectives of the self inside a dense network of perceptual qualities and sensorial reactions. If you like avant-garde then melodious ambient soundtrack punctuated by strangely aleatoric sound manipulations and spoken words this album is highly recommended. Otherwise this one might be of clear interest for those who are into “empreintes digitales” classical releases in electroacoustic researches (notably the work of Michèle Bokanowski and Christan Callon), the acoustic ambient delicacy of North Sea, Virlyn and Arafura et al.

Biography of You is available on ODE.

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