Really more like an album than an EP, this is a great example of the intersection of several different musical disciplines producing a truly modern version of the industrial genre.

Raw atonal sound, noise, and static forming strong rhythmic, percussive foundations
Although classically lumped into the category of IDM, Anodyne’s latest EP (with remixes) has a rougher edge to it which I would call industrialist. Not in the corny, 90s guitar-band-with-a-drum-machine sense but in the use of raw atonal sound, noise, and static forming strong rhythmic, percussive foundations. If anything is called to mind it’s the dark atmospheres of Leæther Strip or Laibach that are conjured—floating around musique concrète like a thick fog. The notable remixes (including Autechre, Somatic Responses, Primary Node, S>>D and Lackluster), rather than temper or invert the aesthetic, instead take it farther, twisting it even further with each artists’ signature sound. Really more like an album than an EP, this is a great example of the intersection of several different musical disciplines producing a truly modern version of the industrial genre.
Decayed is available on Acroplane. [Bandcamp]