Diskordant is a live, improvisational minimal extrusion from below the surface that ebbs and flows with a sense of aural wonder—its thick textures and tones are the core elements.

Thick textures and tones
New Yorkers Satoshi Tomiie and Nao Gunji form the recording of their A_A project and fifth AOR release, including this surreal live performance at the Fridman Gallery in Manhattan. Minimally accented sounds reverberate with snaps, pulses, clicks, and loops throughout “Diskordant (Live),” which unveils an avalanche of crystalized and dub techno explorations. The “Diskordant (Full Live Performance)” is ultimately a spooky implosion of micro-techno slabs from space, static noise-scapes, and subtle dub elements to get lost within.

The duo find solace in these captivating analog sounding compositions; “Dissonant III (Live)” feeling like an assemblage of field recordings and arcane mood shifts, where the tiniest sounds, voices, and broken rhythms create ethereal electronic worlds. While “Radiant IV (Live)” casts a translucent atmosphere in its shadow, “Radiant I (Live)” still features dub components and expansive, deep panoramic routes. Diskordant is a live, improvisational minimal extrusion from below the surface that ebbs and flows with a sense of aural wonder—its thick textures and tones are the core elements.
Artwork by S0lar and editing by Niko Dalagelis
Mastered by Alex Picciafuochi
Diskordant is available on Artificial Owl. [Bandcamp]