4T Thieves :: Details EP (Mahorka)

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Tranquil and mildly steering vintage synths, this third EP for Mahorka oozes instrumental percussive bits and melancholic vistas.

It is very apparent that the label operator at Kahvi Collective knows how to keep the proverbial wheels spinning. He’s run the long-standing net-label for over a decade, and continues to renew his own sound within the 4T Thieves moniker. On Details, a color spectrum is revealed, lightly doused in low-fi piano keys, ambient interludes, and downtempo trails. In fact, each piece is given a specified color, allowed to ease its way into the subconscious with distilled, nostalgic hues. “Green,” “Aqua,” “Orange,” “Amber,” and “Grey” seamlessly verge into Boards of Canada-influenced vivid surrealism. While not entirely parallel, however, the sonic themes segue through a myriad of melody strands, pleasant and uplifting for these trying times. And just as 4T Thieves releases this 7-pack extended suite, tranquil and mildly steering vintage synths, this third EP for Mahorka oozes instrumental percussive bits and melancholic vistas.

Details is available on Mahorka.

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