Release your ears 6.0

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A list of some recent, current and forthcoming titles that are piquing our ears lately—it’s our attempt to point you to some notable releases worth investigating regardless of genre.

Our staff at continually sifts through a plethora of music in an effort to—at the very least—direct you to some interesting releases we may or may not have written about in full review format. Here’s a recent batch of titles that have been in rotation and that merit further exploration.

Artist :: Title (Label)

Anodyne :: 4 Empires EP (Combat)
Autistici :: Beneath Peaks (Hibernate)
Bronze Age :: Antiquated Futurism (Bed of Nails)
Concessionaires :: Artificial Interface? (Under the Spire)
Cyuild Apo :: Audio Portrait (Detroit Underground)
David Newlyn :: Deterioration (Flaming Pines)
Hakobune: All The Other Hearts I Knew (Rural Colours)
Jean Piché :: Heliograms (Digitalis)
lovesliescrushing :: Glinter (Thisquietarmy)
Meander :: Carbon (Low Res) ~featured image
Motion Sickness Of Time Travel :: Traces (Room40)
Norken & Deer :: Micro Don Juan (Hydrogen Dukebox)
Panabrite :: Illumination (Under the Spire)
Pleq & Hakobune :: Adrift (Nomadic Kids Republic)
Powder Hill :: Hillmatic EP (Slime)
Pye Corner Audio :: The Black Mill Tapes Volumes 1 & 2 (Type)
Quicksails :: Sliver Balloons In Clusters (Under the Spire)
Rrose & Bob Ostertag :: The Surgeon General (Eaux)
Shit & Cheap :: Götterdämmerung EP (Shipwrec)
Teleoptyk :: Playing in the Dark EP (Octofoil)
Throwing Snow :: Clamour EP (Snowfall)
Tipper :: Shatterbox EP (Tipper Music)
The Fear Ratio :: Skana EP (Blueprint)
The White Meadows :: A Time for Drunken Horses (Reverb Worship)
V/A :: World Electronix V1 (Cultivated Electronics)
Willits + Sakamoto :: Ancient Future (Ghostly International)
Wirewound :: Wiretap EP (Stasis)
Yagya :: The Inescapable Decay Of My Heart (Kilk/Darla)

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