Filter Sick is a heavily processed album that leaves no sound unaffected nor unmolested. Filter Sick by Maduro is a complex, frenetic and glitchy sonic […]
Tag: Octofoil
Maduro :: Black Ice Ballet (Octofoil)
Minimal drops and wickedly complex percussive wizardry that keeps you locked to the groove yet constantly on guard, advancing cautiously into the unforgiving night. With […]
Maduro :: Blood Turns Black (Octofoil)
Ricocheting back and forth between a post-dubstep sound and infused industrial mayhem, broken slabs of noise and grit interface with toxic rhythms. Washington-DC based Dave […]
Maduro :: Terror is the Night (Octofoil)
An unyielding—if not unsettling—snapshot of petrified electronic music that simply doesn’t let up. Maduro has kept a prolific release schedule with Octofoil, balancing an assortment […]
Maduro :: All Hail False Gods (Octofoil)
Fans of brooding, dark and distorted electroacoustic sonic mayhem—much in line with the works of Not Breathing—will revel in All Hail False Gods‘ wandering melodic […]
Release your ears 6.0
A list of some recent, current and forthcoming titles that are piquing our ears lately—it’s our attempt to point you to some notable releases worth […]
Maduro :: Catching Bullets (Octofoil)
No matter how disparate this might sound, everything is held together through the theme of carnival-esque gypsy sounds and samples from turn-of-the-century phonographs. [Release page] […]
Maduro :: Black Magic Kingdom (Octofoil)
The focus throughout the nine tracks is on American occult traditions and, as such, there is a heavy and intoxicating influence of voodoo, magic and, […]