WE FORFEIT (Mix 17) on Radio Relativa :: Show #2

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WE FORFEIT return to the airwaves of Spain and the inter-waves of the world with the second instalment of their eponymous show on Madrid’s Radio Relativa. Starting as they mean to go on, to paraphrase Aphex Twin, the lads continue down a line of electronic music exploration and inquiry with tracks taken from far and wide for this latest two hour session.

A selection from Britain’s Tagwell Woods, recently on Distant Worlds, is followed by whimsical banter and cosmic disco care of Xenon before delving into the darkness with Dramatis Personae. Following this heartening introduction comes the heart of this month’s broadcast, a cold core of electro around which the lads select choice cuts from Central Processing Unit, Schrodinger’s Box and FTP to name but a few. To thaw those icey sounds, pockets of warmth can be found form Daniel Andréasson, Roger 23 and pure sunshine from Kano.

Oppenheimer Analysis and Hyboid close the set with two rounding renditions of incandescent synth pop. Next month one of these two artists will be interviewed by the WE FORFEIT men. Expect piercing musical journalism, hard hitting questions, juicy tidbits and much more with some personal selections from the lads and their very special guest.

Thanks, as ever, to Radio Relativa and Callum McCallum of Bishopbriggs who can look forward to drinking his Bru from a WE FORFEIT mug. Gracias a todos!

Intro :: From the laps (Bitmapped)
Tagwell Woods :: Hardware (W.T.)
Tagwell Woods :: Christmas (Photic Fields)
Tagwell Woods :: Tagwell Woods (W.T. Records)
Xenon :: Galaxi (ZYX)
Dramatis Personae :: Carcosa (Vielspaß)
Mr TC & Lo Kindre :: Contaminant (Phase Group)
Diffuse Arc :: ACTO 5. Soledad (odio)
E.R.P. :: Wishing Still (Forgotten Figure)
Stratowerx :: Secret State (Sync 24 Remix) (Caught London Sleeping)
Sorrowbot :: Palpit-8 (Schrodinger’s Box)
Franck Sarrio ‎:: Army Of Robots (Radio Mars)
Will Web :: D Playas (FTP)
DMX Krew :: Urgent Enquiry (Breakin’)
Cybonix :: Shake Yo Body (Frustrated Funk)
Detroit’s Filthiest :: Baby Makin Music (Philphtrax)
Bradley Strider :: Bradley’s Beat (Rephlex)
Parris Mitchell :: Computer (Dance Mania)
Dj Ford Foster :: Gold Cans (Unknown to the Unknown.)
Dynamite Winter Palace :: Transiberian (Knekelhuis A Parigi)
Kano :: Ikeya Seki
Daniel Kyo :: Blood Running (Giallo Disco)
Daniel Andréasson ‎:: Track 4 (Skudge White)
Roger23 :: Deep, Deeper & Deeper (Bio Rhythm)
Plant43 :: Tellarium Snow (Central Processing Unit)
Oppenheimer Analysis :: Subterranean Desire (Minimal Wave)
Hyboid :: Walking The Milky Way (Astro Chicken)

WE FORFEIT mixes will also continue, with a few already in the pipeline so keep an ear out. Love them here: https://weforfeit.blogspot.com/

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