Sunwarper :: The Emerald Trail EP (Self-Released)

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The Emerald Trail ultimately finds its place—the delicate balance between cascading instruments and synthesizers is at the trailhead of Sunwarper’s foray into times gone by. These gentle dust particles settle into the subconscious with ease and a state of curious nostalgia.

Los Angeles-based Michael Jakucs (previously known as Selles and recently taking on the Sunwarper moniker—also the title of his 2016 EP) continues to deliver downtempo instrumental sun-soaked musical spectrums. The Emerald Trail displays Jakucs’ knack for kaleidoscope synths fading in the background where varied strings, tangled drums, and drifting melodies offer an atmospheric view of what really is a succinct and blissful 5-track extended player.

“Archival Domain” starts with thirty-six seconds of thick droning keys as it awakens the soul. Long drives along the coastline may have influenced the magical thrumming and field recordings of “Lost Coast,” whereas “Nightfall” blends into calm emotive spheres. The highlight comes in the shape of the lively instrumentation on “Spectral” where downtrodden percussion and carefully woven guitars flicker about in shoegaze streams. Closing with an ambient blurring of the senses on “Dreamstate,” this aptly titled track is tranquility and bewilderment rolled into one.

The Emerald Trail ultimately finds its place—the delicate balance between cascading instruments and synthesizers is at the trailhead of Sunwarper’s foray into times gone by. These gentle dust particles settle into the subconscious with ease and a state of curious nostalgia.

The Emerald Trail is available on Bandcamp.

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