V/A :: Datafunk Vol 1 (Abstract Forms)

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Inspiring, frightening, uplifting and menacing, Abstract Forms have brought together a comprehensive cross-section of an emotive and raw field of Electronics.

For some seven years Abstract Forms has focused on the 12”. True, their sister label (Abstract Acid) has ventured on to album format but the parent imprint has been solely EP based. Music from the crème of machine music has been sourced and fixed into that infamous EP format. With a back catalog of some seventeen releases Deixis’ imprint is taking the leap and introducing their first LP, a compilation entitled Datafunk Vol. 1.

The burbling Ambience of Ian Martin opens before Newcastle’s shadowy Shemale injects a sinister cocktail of juddering bass and reduced rhythms. The bedrock of Electro, on which the London label is founded, is returned to by Federico Leocata. The Italian artist has been turning heads with releases on Frustrated Funk and Last Known Trajectory and supplies a terse and soulful track. The clinical tones continue with Transient Force’s Das Muster with recent AF veteran Obergman following with “Sunspot Cycle.” The Scandanavian keeps the stark mood but elevates the sound with lush harmonies. Up and coming artists are paralleled by more established names to balance the LP. The likes of Koova and his brand of computer-funk is followed by Linear Synthesis. This team of Heinrich Dressel and Kobol Electronics debut with a warbling piece of Der Zyklus styled reduction. Some of the better known artists are saved until the end. Ed DMX arrives with “Data Storm.” The old hand takes cold spikes of sound and batters them into a submissive and sneering piece with devilish intent. That evil undercurrent slides its reptilian form into Elec. Pt 1’s darkened “If U Don’t Want Me.” Dj Stingray is beamed to Earth to annihilate. The closer is a fast paced piece of aggressive invasion, a barrage of bass and beats end.

Datafunk is a collection of some seven years of toil. It’s an album I heard in May 2013, an indication of the work that has gone into it. This compilation is an expression from a label that has been at the analogue coalface for more than half a decade. Inspiring, frightening, uplifting and menacing, Abstract Forms have brought together a comprehensive cross-section of an emotive and raw field of Electronics.

Datafunk Vol. 1 is available on Abstract Forms. [Clone]

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