Tegh :: Night Scenes (Inner Ocean)

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With sonorous grace and a gravity nearer doleful than dark, more glimmer and glowing than glowering and grim, Tegh’s Night Scenes are suggestively rendered to discreetly lift a veil on, while leaving veiled.

Musically at least, something of an unknown—and a potentially great one if this is any indication, Iran is the source of Tegh‘s debut Night Scenes. Tehran’s Shahin Entezami is the nocturnal dramaturge here, lesser known but on this evidence no less steeped in sound lore than fellow-countryman and brother in ambience, Porya Hatami, whose still warm Shallow was igloo-‘viewed here—Land and Remixes also, incidentally, launched on Inner Ocean. Entezami shows a sleight of hand that belies his lowlight standing in crafting a set imbued with great depth of texture and expressivity.

Nom de disque, Tegh, Persian for ‘sword’/’blade,’ might well describe the arc and dive, the dramatic sweep of his drone and space micro-symphonies, as he cuts an expansive swathe through six scenarios laden with a freight of resonance, sonic expression mapped to sublimated emotion. “They Were From Somewhere Cold” and “Crossing” are all undulant swells and billows, delay-drenched, decay-wrenched; then the cadences of “Conn” elide into the elevations of “Autumn”; the aptly titled “Down” self-reflexively mood-swings into “Birds are Singing on a Tree Without Leaves,” which brings proceedings to a suitably crepuscular though somehow light-seeking resolution. The artwork mirrors the sounding object portrayed with smears of mesmeric ice and deep blue swathes. With sonorous grace and a gravity nearer doleful than dark, more glimmer and glowing than glowering and grim, Tegh’s Night Scenes are suggestively rendered to discreetly lift a veil on, while leaving veiled… another country to get lost in.

Worth knowing no less an ambienteer than William Basinski has facebooked/tweeted to alert friends/followers to Night Scenes. And a new soundclip, “Illustration“—from a forthcoming album—tells a tale of Tegh to come.

Night Scenes is available (as a name your price download) on Inner Ocean.

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