Ákos Garai :: The Imagined River (Kaon)

Evoking the fog of ghosts hovering over the pale grey fields of asphodel, the realm of dreams.

With its nineteenth recording, “La Rivière” keeps on rolling. Budapest-based Àkos Garai, proprieter of the fine 3leaves label, has been apportioned the first length in its fourth series of three-inch variations on Cédric Peyronnet‘s painstaking recordings of contiguous stretches of the Taurion River in central France.

The Imagined River Garai has extrapolated is a dark one, Stygian in fact. Although bubbling and burbling innocuously enough, its stream has a gloomy undertow. After several minutes of apprehensive listening, a jarring clatter and a muffled bell makes the listener realize he has reached the far shore of Hades. From then on, nothing but the roar of the eternal and primeval water and that ominous undertone, now evoking the fog of ghosts hovering over the pale grey fields of asphodel, the realm of dreams.

The Imagined River is available on Kaon. 
