Gianfranco Grilli :: Ancient Roads (Mons Avium)

The compositional tendency primarily reveals expanded ethereal-floating soundscaping ambiences and thrilling atmospheres.

gianfranca-grilli_ancient-roadsGianfranco Grilli is a multi-instrumentalist and composer of deep space ambient music from Mondavio (Italy). He made a name on the underground Italian scene with a number of meditatively orientated ambient efforts, published as private releases and broadcasted on various radio communities. The compositional tendency primarily reveals expanded ethereal-floating soundscaping ambiences and thrilling atmospheres that are reminiscence of the most relaxing moments of pioneering musical explorations from Ashra (New Age of Earth), the floating evanescent beauty of long pieces by Georg Deuter and David Parsons. This last album titled Ancient Roads and published by Mons Avium (April 2013) focuses the musical discourse on crystal-like evocative dreaminess with long floating strings and nice mantric-like sounding synthesized structures / vertical oscillations. With this album Gianfranco Grilli did not renew the genre but this is an honest effort, let’s say of a clear interest for fans of worldwide longform ambient music, SomaFM and those are into representative figures of Italian’s shimmery-brooding ambient heritage (Oöphoi, Alio Die et al).

Ancient Roads is available on Mons Avium.

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