Music that is too positive to go well with a film by Kieslowski. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t a few melancholic traits in it. Belgian Styrofoam mingle in the same water that Phonem, Plod, Arovane and (to an extent) Boards of Canada swim in. Electronic listening music that put as much weight to melodies as to complex rhythm programming. What sets Styrofoam apart is that he here, on this his second album, lets his voice be heard on a few tracks—and immediately we move a small distance towards traditional pop music. The scratched voice sample on “It’s Just that We Don’t Show It” gives the music a hip hop connection a la Gescom, while the soaring strings on “Bad Night Is Falling” deliverers the filmic ambiance the title lets us expect. Styrofoam has with A Short Album about Murder started to develop his own style, which makes the album well worth checking out.