Dragon :: Audio Denaturation EP (Ryu)

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Fans of Richard Devine and Valance Drakes should take note of Dragon’s comprehensive blend of deep sound forms that pierce through the core of our planet. 

“Denaturation defines the unfolding or breaking up of audio, modifying its standard structures. Audio may be denatured by agitation, causing it to unfold and become distorted.”

Dragon returns to his own Ryu imprint with a four-track EP titled Audio Denaturation, which is appropriately described in the liner notes. “Abstract Unfolding” is more direct in its exploratory industrial funk noise, while the opening track “Scopic Span” traverses fractured glitch mechanisms, peeling open an abundance of broken beats and pummeling synths. Fans of Richard Devine and Valance Drakes should take note of Dragon’s comprehensive blend of deep sound forms that pierce through the core of our planet. “Augmentation Detach” transitions into fluctuating, dystopian landscapes, with roughened rhythms and agitated, blistering electronics at the center. “Defragmentation” closes the EP, with Dragon tying everything together in a plethora of corrosive drones and squelching audio breakdown. It’s hard to resist going back and reliving this soundtrack’s potent mix of abstract sonic sculpting and disheveled cacophony.

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