Dragon :: From silence, impermeable space EP (Ryu)

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From silence, impermeable space EP transitions, and fades away as if nothing ever happened. As if these peculiar disheveled electrical bits were perhaps a mirage; that once we’ve wiped our eyes to see better, only vanishes into thin air.

A jolting sonic traverse

Dragon (aka Peter Adjobia) just recently launched his Ryu imprint with this powerful four-piece of cybernetic electronics from the outer edges. His vast sound-field experience stretches many years; having releases with some of our favorite imprints including World Serpent, Ant Zen, Point Source Electronic Arts, Component, and Errorgrid.

From silence, impermeable space is a jolting sonic traverse. The modular tectonic plates of “Whifferdill” tend to shift and scrape by each other as pitter-patter beats scratch their way through darkly lit ambient-glitch fields. The shadows continue to grow as “Enkephalin” releases the tiniest of sound-scapes, minimized and yet expanding and contracting with light turbulence. And this is what Dragon is able to execute so well; the microscopic rhythms on each selection are fine-tuned with utter clarity and precision. Tracks like “Enhanced,” while subdued from the outside, exhibit a wide-range of echoed non-standard drum patterns, as the closing piece, “All of our windows are mirrors,” is a blissful Lexaunculpt / Fennesz-infused beauty of slow-motion, emotion, and tangled melodic strands swaying in the background.

From silence, impermeable space EP transitions, and fades away as if nothing ever happened. As if these peculiar disheveled electrical bits were perhaps a mirage; that once we’ve wiped our eyes to see better, only vanishes into thin air. Minimized for maximum effect.

From silence, impermeable space is available on Ryu. [Bandcamp]

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