These otherworldly soundtracks bend and morph, creating explosive glitch fragments that intertwine and reform themselves, all the while, drenched in dronescapes and densely layered mechanical blips.

Fractured industrial landscapes and glitch rhythms
Point Source Electronic Arts finds its niche within the world of experimental electronic music and they’ve also nurtured many relationships with musicians and sound sculptors—breaking the mold and pushing farther and farther. Case in point, Dragon & Jettenbach and their eight track album Interesting Times. The vast and exploratory nature surrounding these pieces is astounding; how both musicians articulate fractured industrial landscapes and glitch rhythms from outer space, leaves us grasping for more. And it’s within these strangely captivating sonic snapshots that this album makes sense. These otherworldly soundtracks bend and morph, creating explosive glitch fragments that intertwine and reform themselves, all the while, drenched in dronescapes and densely layered mechanical blips.
Interesting Times reaches out and grabs our senses—tossing us into a loop of hazy soundtracks we didn’t know existed as distant musical realms are elevated beyond comprehension. Dark and desolate, dense and deconstructed, these are indeed interesting times, and yet Dragon & Jettenbach compress every ounce of scraping noises and provides the listener with a treasure trove to wrap our heads around. A massive collection that builds upon both artists’ established signature traits.
Written and produced by Peter Adjobia and Paul Jetten
Spoken word performance by Kate Bosworth
Mastered by Alex Stilts at Orbit Room Audio
Design and Illustration by Mike Slansky
Interesting Times is available on Point Source Electronic Arts. [Bandcamp]