Elias Zorn :: Black Meditation (Adventurous Music)

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The refined charcoal atmosphere and scorched recordings emit a weathered textural hue where all manner of found sounds and field recordings are melded together and could run on forever.

A baffling dark ambient stream of subconsciousness

Here we find doom drone maestro Elias Zorn in full force with Leipzig’s Adventurous Music. A full scale, seven track meditation that consumes synthesizers and shadowy effects while seamlessly ripping the fabric of time and space with subtle broken blips at the edges. Like a lost soundtrack to a far off world we’ve yet to explore, Elias Zorn pulls it all together—a sonic manifest where cascading winds scrap ancient soil and loominous drones stretch to their extreme limits. The refined charcoal atmosphere and scorched recordings emit a weathered textural hue where all manner of found sounds and field recordings are melded together and could run on forever. Hendekagon, INYAN and Signalstoerung deliver remix support and ultimately tether their movements in dilapidated bursts where bumpier sounds, thin sliced clicks, and dark (almost tribal) shades close things off. A baffling, mind-altering dark ambient stream of subconsciousness that finagles its way through.

Black Meditation is available on Adventurous Music. [Bandcamp]

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