This collection comes from outer space, from Tibet, Texas, Arizona, the Sleepy Hills, there are micro-audio interpretations, then tumbling back into deep space, ancient Africa and then settling over the Southern Ocean. This compilation features tracks from Spotted Peccary’s 38th year in existence.
Tag: Zero Ohms
Craig Padilla & Zero Ohms :: To Sleep On Stellar Winds (Spotted Peccary Music)
To Sleep On Stellar Winds is an epic space music album with Berlin-school influences that feature unique blends of modular synthesizers and wind instruments, to carry all listeners floating along the cosmic breezes to the outer edges of the universe, and beyond.
V/A :: 36 (Spotted Peccary Music)
The tracks assembled for this annual aural treasury are all highly crafted ambient electronic instrumentals, each illuminated and uplifting, with an evident deep moral seriousness and an artistry which expresses a very conscious and deliberate assumption of spiritual ecstasy in which our mind is suspended.
Zero Ohms :: Cloudwalker & the Ascent (Spotted Peccary)
Taking advantage of interrupted sleep patterns, many of the tracks on Cloudwalker & the Ascent were laid down in the hour just before dawn, their inspiration distilled from dreams, often with the Moon & Venus smiling through the open backdoor of his cabin.
V/A :: Submission 01 (DiNDDL)
Drowned in thin strands of electrical beauty, Submission 01 punctures a sea of undulating tides veering back and forth between curious instrumentation and abstract experiments […]
Five questions for DiN Recordings
“I set up DiN in March 1999 with the ethos of having a series of albums, all released as limited editions , to encompass the […]