Drowned in thin strands of electrical beauty, Submission 01 punctures a sea of undulating tides veering back and forth between curious instrumentation and abstract experiments in sound architecture.

DiNDDL, DiN Recordings‘ digital sub-label, now on its 10th release, features edits of their previous nine outings and unravels mild electric fluctuations, low-key excursions, miniscule fragments, microscopic field recordings, synthesized jazz shadows, classical passages and a tinge of dubbier elements round-out the edges. But even with these analogical degrees of description, each piece travels its own pathway of chilled abundance making it increasingly difficult not to get entangled in its gravitational pull. Randomly culled beats and bass make their entrance via Dub Atomica and Ian Boddy & Bernhard Wöstheinrich’s collaboration, however, a creative space is cultivated within each neighboring counterpart. Drowned in thin strands of electrical beauty, Submission 01 punctures a sea of undulating tides veering back and forth between curious instrumentation and abstract experiments in sound architecture.
Submission 01 is out now and available as a free download until September 30th, 2011 on DiNDDL. [Release page]