Gerald Donald (of Drexciya, Dopplereffekt, Der Zyklus, Heinrich Mueller, Japanese Telecom, Zwischenwelt, and many more artists) will be performing a rare (and only UK date) live A/V performance coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Arpanet’s first release, Wireless Internet.
Tag: Underground Resistance
WE FORFEIT (Mix 30) :: Radio Relativa #15 febrero – ¡El ACid!
Chris gives us a full hour of acid assortments and sour selections that will leave teeth rattling and neighbors twitching curtains.
WE FORFEIT (Mix 10.1 & 10.2) :: Baroque Sounds Of The British Isles & Music and Chips Sesiónes
Christmas jumpers abound. Secret Santa stalks the lonely office rooms, guaranteeing listless exchanges and backhand comments, as an interlude to wall to wall Harry Potter […]
WE FORFEIT (Mix 6) :: From When We Were Six
Right, so not all of the tracks are from between 1990 and 1992, but a decent amount are. With this latest WE FORFEIT installment Chris […]
ANDREW RED HAND :: Igloo Mix 2014
Andrew Red Hand offers Igloo Magazine an exclusive Detroit electro/techno mix and doesn’t hold back. Hailing from Iasi, second city of Romania, Andrew Red Hand, […]
STU CROSBIE :: Igloo Mix
Igloo have been lucky enough to pin down Brighton based artist Stu Crosbie, get the Dark Arts man behind his turntables to deliver a full […]
Trenton Chase :: The Vampire of Sacramento (June)
The machines are on display, bare beat patterns and belligerence, but there are thought-provoking moments amidst the toughened Techno and hardened House. Tsampikos Fronas, aka […]
Gosub :: Mirror Watcher (Abstract Forms)
Gosub scorches his rhythms with soldering iron precision whilst employing the darkened unemotional side of machines to produce a clean and sleek sound. Dissociation, alienation, […]
RAAB CODEC :: Mix Amongst The Wires
Raab Codec digs through the past and ignites the present with his Mix Amongst The Wires (Read the review of Life Amongst The Wires […]