Thus we navigate through deep then sidereal synth-scaping sound waves sustained by micro beat-laden pulses and various textured manipulations to provide a sense of sonic engulfment.
Tag: Ultimae
36 :: Reality Engine (Past Inside The Present)
As one of the most prolific ambient/synth artists to date, Reality Engine is hardly surprising as it’s a continuous work of widescreen modern ambient electronics just as expected.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2021
After covering several hundred releases in 2021, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no […]
AES Dana :: (a) period. (Ultimae)
It reads as if we are the fog, floating over the bay and through the woods, and onwards to the misty mountains.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2020
“In the midst of a global pandemic that has dominated 2020—roaming across a cinematic soundscape in flux, and surveying darker, perhaps stranger chasms—(artists) draw inspiration […]
Martin Nonstatic :: Treeline (Ultimae)
A sonic environment that does not overtly distract from its surroundings but rewards upon deeper listening with rich detail and exquisite micro-production. Steadily churning energy […]
AES Dana :: Inks (Ultimae)
If you are looking for music which induces deep trance states of euphoria, concentration, heartfelt empathy, and wide-eyed awe at the technical and soul-filled skill […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2019
With contributions from Alan Lockett, Chris Amell, James Knapman, Philippe Blache, Pietro Da Sacco, and Robbie Geoghegan, Igloo Magazine has compiled an extensive list of […]
Eskostatic :: Serpentines & Valleys (Ultimae)
Textured light and dark tones cascade as Eskostatic’s debut on the prolific France-based Ultimae imprint unearths a vast 75-minute collection of tempered low-end odysseys well […]