Andreas Malm describes what he does with Kroppskännedom as an amateur rock-oriented continuation of the more abstract and tape loop-based work he did before, or as an attempt to make song-based music that somewhat got lost along the way.
Tag: Tape Loop
Macrogramma :: Magnetic Series (Lᴏɴᴛᴀɴᴏ Series)
For Macrogramma, the medium evidently brings with it, more than nostalgia’s facile allure, in contrast to digital’s infinite possibility, an intransigence forcing definitive choices.
Late Bloøm (Simon Spiess) :: FELD (Sonic Dialogue)
It may take several listens to really appreciate the calming ambient mélange of raw synth notes, fuzzily looping tapes, and absorbing electrical soundscapes that Simon Spiess unleashes here.
Fields We Found :: Paths (Fluid Audio)
You can see things come and go, slowly, your ears filtering a view into the past, but all there is to claim contains only a mirage and fog. Keep watching a landscape that never seems to change but it probably does.