Back in April, Kettel premiered his Poblesec video featuring a new track from his forthcoming album scheduled for release on Sending Orbs later in 2013. […]
Tag: Soundtrack
Tzolk’in :: The Sixth Sun (Ant-Zen)
What’s left to digest is an utterly engaging rhythmic post-industrial pulse where layers upon layers of organically enriched electronics builds upon itself in an unconscious […]
Ian Boddy :: Liverdelphia (DiN)
Meticulously prepared, conceived and performed, this collection of live recording sessions is warmly recommended to anyone interested in vigorously emotional, delicately evocative and cinematic soundscaping […]
Marjen :: When a skin is dead, it must be shed (Self-Released)
Lightly doused in discrete downtempo, Marjen takes elements from hip-hop and decomposes them into quaint, minimized textures. [Release page] Lightly doused in discrete downtempo, Marjen […]
Drifting In Silence :: Place In Time (Labile)
Often brooding and filled with unraveled texture, Drifting In Silence presents a string of various reflections that are unique, captivating and likely to emit pensive […]
Casi Cada Minuto :: In White Rooms (Exitab)
Casi Cada Minuto is a collection of ambient miniatures not unlike the instrumental tracks on Brian Eno’s Another Green World, evocative of pacific dreams on the […]
Atra Aeterna :: Standalone Complex EP (Self-Released)
As Standalone Complex unveils relatively condensed track lengths, they somehow converge into dreamlike sound-escapes of emotive clarity, mechanized beauty and organized ambient-industrial bliss. [Release page] Atra Aeterna (aka Zack Mitchell) […]
Christian Fennesz :: Aun: The Beginning And The End Of All Things (Ash International)
Fennesz’ score is likely the most accessible music he has ever written, capturing the nexus of nature and civilization—the sea, the city of Tokyo, the […]