Drifting In Silence :: Place In Time (Labile)

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Often brooding and filled with unraveled texture, Drifting In Silence presents a string of various reflections that are unique, captivating and likely to emit pensive patterns of thought.

Drifting In Silence 'Place In Time'
Drifting In Silence ‘Place In Time’

[Releases page] Derrick Stembridge (aka Drifting In Silence) continues to engage low-lying ambient spectra of sound with six windswept pieces that pass through unlit corridors. While predominately beatless on the exterior, Place In Time encapsulates a heartbeat composed of strands—often microscopic in size—that flex ever so calmly among light strings (ie. “Never”). Perhaps best imagined as a soundtrack to a place in time that is personal to each set of ears. “Vital” exudes a darker shadow as it hypnotizes the senses and transforms itself into an inspired ambient opus reminiscent of Kattoo and/or Bitcrush yielding sheets of harmonious melody sweeps. The title track unearths a swirling maze of sonic beauty—elongated guitar introspection’s and emotion are delivered via undulating blankets of ambient propulsion. Consumed as a whole, Place In Time creates windows of luminous activity for the listener to peer through. Often brooding and filled with unraveled texture, Drifting In Silence presents a string of various reflections that are unique, captivating and likely to emit pensive patterns of thought.

Place In Time is available on Labile. [iTunes]

[itunes id=”588885815″]

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