This assemblage being the fourth of the series, cascades without form, veering between the boundaries of experimental sonic media and next-level hyper glitch mechanisms, and is curated within introspective, low-flying IDM/braindance morsels.
Tag: Péninsolar
V/A :: Errormatic Vol.3 (Clean Error)
Clean Error have consistently been at the top of the heap; releasing experimental, glitch, ambient, and abstract IDM as the Errormatic series, which is now on volume 3, reveals an 11-track exploration while also acting as its own unique sphere of influence.
P è n i n s o l a r :: Singles (Self Released)
Satisfy your experimental electronic thirst—such an assortment to explore, it’s a library of creative audible delicacies.
Peninsolar :: Purlieu EP (Clean Error)
A fine assemblage of spellbinding organic electronic music that draws on the past with an audible viscosity and daringly looks straight into the future of […]
V/A :: Errormatic Vol.2 (Clean Error)
Clean Error delivers on their promise of intramural dynamics, and we wholeheartedly agree. EV2 is an auditory backdrop that is equal parts abstract strands and […]
P è n i n ș o l a r :: Interrum (Clean Error)
A leftfield electronic pendulum that slices through the genre range including subterranean glitch-techno, and a medley of articulated sonic effects. P è n i n […]
V/A :: Sectioned v6.0 (Section 27)
Yet another behemoth compilation that spotlights Planet Earth’s finest sonic engineers. Carving, along the way, a splendid cross-section encompassing exp-electronic music and its kaleidoscopic splinter fields. Where […]
Péninsolar :: Foreshadow Near The Mesa (Clean Error)
It is difficult not to immerse yourself into these minimized mechanical shards as cyclic ambient charges flow from all angles, nestled somewhere between human and […]