V/A :: Sectioned v6​.​0 (Section 27)

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Yet another behemoth compilation that spotlights Planet Earth’s finest sonic engineers. Carving, along the way, a splendid cross-section encompassing exp-electronic music and its kaleidoscopic splinter fields.

V/A :: Sectioned v6.0 (Section 27)

Where do we start with this one? Yet another behemoth compilation that spotlights Planet Earth’s finest sonic engineers. Carving, along the way, a splendid cross-section encompassing exp-electronic music and its kaleidoscopic splinter fields. Sectioned v6.0 gathers 88-tracks from Section 27’s existing roster and summons many other friends from a-z. Some of our favorites including ADJ, Badrich, Carbinax, Dissolved, exm, Jfrank, Johnny Jitters, Min-Y-Llan, Mitoma, Nearfield, Nonima, Péninsolar, Room of Wires, Topher, Trichrome Syndrôm, The Wee DJ’s, Weldroid and Z-arc are accompanied by a plethora of like-minded sound sculptures. Delivering zigzagging electronic genres by the bucket-full, Section 27 has a knack for keeping our ears close to the ground as Earth’s crust is magnetized and broken up by this multi-faceted assortment.

Sectioned v6.0 is available on Section 27.

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