Fusing equal parts emotive instrumentation with serene layers of ambience, both Aerosol and Dalot offer n5MD their latest audio paintings. Aerosol :: All That is […]
Tag: n5MD
Headphone Science :: Raumdämonen (Enpeg)
Minimalistic flux and the continual push of low-traveling emissions has Headphone Science bypassing the beaten path and falling straight into a pool of submerged buzz-drones […]
Proem :: Enough Conflict (n5MD)
Experimental bass lines, synthetic distortions, soothing melodies, reflective rhythms, isolated beeps, flickers and ashes tend to hum smoothly in this brisk forty-eight minutes of electronics. […]
Winterlight :: Hope Dies Last (n5MD)
Winterlight manages to unearth a sense of nostalgia that temporarily converts darkness into light, sharpness into haze, and grittiness into serenity. These surreal audio elements […]
Dreissk :: The Finding (n5MD)
With struggle, resistance and clarity, The Finding is a welcomed breeze encompassing a plethora of auditory drenching that sinks into the subconscious and continues to […]
Odori :: Gathering Lines EP (Enpeg)
Each piece tells a bittersweet story that mixes mysterious drones, wobbling bass and secluded moods in one fell swoop of electricity. [Listen | Purchase] Gathering […]
Dryft :: Ventricle (n5MD)
All we can really know is that it’s all about feeling. This is not the time to postulate, discuss, or even dissect the sounds herein, […]
“Hello, Goodbye” :: SubtractiveLAD video essay by Director Tanner Volz
“This has taken me four months to write; time to call it done and put it out there. This is a long ramble of an […]
P2P :: A potential solution to appease file-sharers and artists?
Stephen Hummel further investigates a potential solution to appease file-sharers and artists as well as his views on live and recorded music. One of the […]