With ambient synth swells, hardened glitch-mechanics, crunchy and ethereal soundscapes’n scrapes, Island Flux Remixes continues to be a magnetically charged giant drifting on IDM waters.
Tag: Milieu
Milieu :: A Spiral In Basalt (Adventurous Music)
80 minutes of ambient drone; one might think he had invented time travel as I clearly lose the ability to chronologically track where I am in the day.
Extra :: Draw / Orb (GOTO)
Ambient music doesn’t come much deeper than this, or more engaging. Pure, deep ambient at its finest. An immersive longform ambient drone piece I’ve been a […]
Phylum Sinter :: SLEEEEB (Self Released)
Detroit-based Chris Todd has been at his craft for several years, venturing through an amalgam of dark and crunchy electronics, yet with this collection we see the artist lighten things up.
V/A :: Decima Circuits: Cottage Industries 10 (Neo Ouija)
Decima Circuits: Cottage Industries 10 is yet another reminder that electronic music has a soul buried deep within the crevasses of each note—if you let […]
Elsewhereness revisited #16 new age of isolationism
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new […]
Milieu :: Sunbather’s Pharmacopeia Volume 1 (Touched Music)
Once again I find myself exposed to an artist capable of channeling the best parts of works and techniques I have known and loved throughout […]
V/A :: Cottage Industries 8 (Neo Ouija)
CI8 is another fine international assortment that delves full-throttle into creative musical excavations. Rugged sound design, broken beats, blissful ambient undertones, glitched emissions, and memorable tracks […]
Coppice Halifax :: Static Pharming (Milieu Music)
The second, third and fourth scrips in Coppice Halifax’ monthly, three-inch CDR series—Static Pharming—are here. The second, third and fourth scrips in Coppice Halifax’ monthly, […]