The listener is transported in a rolling ambient vastness connected to natural elements and morphed field recordings, for a breathing, lively and emotional embrace which progressively reaches a mesmerizing climax.
Tag: Abul Mogard
Five Questions with Rafael Anton Irisarri (Black Knoll Studio / Black Knoll Editions)
Igloo Magazine presents Five Questions for New York-based Black Knoll Editions label operator, musician, and Black Knoll Studio analog/digital mastering Engineer Rafael Anton Irisarri to plunge into his experimental ambient sonic forms, and learn more about the label, mastering studio, and artistic trajectories.
Abul Mogard & Rafael Anton Irisarri :: Impossibly Distant, Impossibly Close (Black Knoll Editions)
Impossibly Distant, Impossibly Close is a brooding and at the same time priceless contemplative effort for entrancing noises, velveting drones and revered guitar phrasings.
Elsewhereness revisited #14 ambivalentine daze
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, ‘n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness […]
V/A :: Spaciousness (Lo Recordings) — Abul Mogard track premiere!
Featuring fourteen brand new tracks, the new compilation is the first volume in a series of releases that seeks to explore the connections, overlaps, roots […]
Elsewhereness revisited #4 appetite for distraction
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, and ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2016
While other sites might fight to get 1000s down to 50 or 20, at Igloo HQ we’ve refused to don the hair shirt of reducing […]
ALAN LOCKETT :: Slings the Wooze Renewed mix
2016! Reeling from The Shock of the New, Igloo’s Wooze-slinger Alan Lockett (aka Mist-maxer albient) is moved to review and renew (or take refuge, depending […]
Futuresequence SEQUENCE8, No Future SEQUENCE
Futuresequence’s Michael Waring has seen fit to draw SEQUENCE to a close. Futuresequence has declared SEQUENCE8 the last in its SEQUENCE. The free compilation series curated […]