V/A :: West4East.org Volume 1 (Unschooled, CD)

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(02.25.05) Dedicated to producing recorded musical benefits to offer financial aid to the victims of the Asian Tsunami tragedy, Unschooled Records label-head Howard Hecht has created the West4East.org project that channels 100% of the funds received from sales to Direct Relief International. So what happens when such a positive relief effort takes shape? Well, the response was definitely astounding, considering the number of contributions on Volume 1. In the case of this debut release series, Unschooled have culled 16 talented musicians and unleashed a wonderfully varied set of tracks that weaves through multiple genres with ease and control.

On the opening track by Books on Tape, Gospel influenced organs prance in the background while funky beats whip around in the foreground. Doofgoblin’s “Tsuleighbelles” sparkles with its distorto percussion and wind chimes while Kettel takes a more relaxed approach on the classically ambient arrangements of “The Tree That Got Fired.” Robokoneko (Couchblip! label-head) treads through pleasantly crafted jingles that fans of Plone would tear over just as Miles Tilmann lines up his rhythmically complex beat-patterns and stuttering synths on the fantastic Orbital styled “Circles Everywhere.” The tantalizing, reciprocating beats on Quantazelle’s “Joy Diversion” bend and twist with miniature tweaks and squiggles just as Tim Koch launches his deep bass-thumper on the cosmically consuming “Macrome.” Rusuden’s signature digital-spurts of industrialized funk are revealed on “Soft Touch” while Decomposure’s “…Shrugged” delivers a tranquilized piano groove molded to inspired, waning lyrics until he decides to demolish it with fractured, multi-dimensional beats. Plat tries to calm things down in a sort of Broadcast-inspired direction on “Ten More Logic Fibs;” its stretched analog bass-line slivers across a palette of wet melodies. Disjunction Reunion, one of many highlights, manifests a darkened hip-hop mood with his abstractive Gescom rhythms on the excellent “VB.” Katastatik’s “I Love You Totally (But I Love Me More)” has a distinctive, yet contorted instrumental-jazz appeal while A Bit Crusher’s “Cookies for All” ensues with a repetitive click’n bass / Middle-Eastern groove. On Telesma’s “The New Thing,” a gorgeously prepared didgeridoo spills through a wide-ranging hip-hop beat as it punctures a creative vibe that is truly unique and quite original (would love to hear more from Telesma, hint hint). Headphone Science’s “Ilaria” is another stunner with its deep, tumbling bass-beats and beautifully meandering melodies –such an inspired piece fully captures the feel and significance of this compilation. On the closing track by Ampop, “(re)Made for Market,” remixed by Plat — the soundtrack driven indie-electronic emotions are established within the wonderful lyrics and melancholic piano elements.

As a result, West4East.org Volume 1 captivates the senses by reflecting the feelings of 16 internationally based musicians in a matter 60-minutes. By splicing varying genres within the electronic field, Unschooled have creatively deduced that it is clearly possible to deliver high-quality recordings in a limited time frame. If you’re interested in supporting such a dedicated cause, and picking up some great musical creations composed on one disc, click on the website links below to find out how you can purchase/donate.

West4East.org Volume 1 is out now on Unschooled Records. Click here for more information about the West4East.org Volume 1 project.

  • West4East.org Website
  • Unschooled Records Website
  • Direct Relief International Website
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