V/A :: Volume One (Electronic Emotional Music, CD)

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Developed by fellow Australians Sense (Adam R.) and AKA (Frank G.), Electronic Emotional Music (EEM), Volume One, delivers an interesting, yet subtle punch. Dipping itself into a Detroit techno shell with Ben Businovski’s introduction, the lonely emotional sound scrapes from artists like Lackluster, Tim Koch, Airliner SRS, Sarokin, PBXO and Adam Raisbeck reveal the intricate signature of EEM, so it seems. Capturing the delicate feelings that roam inside the listeners ear, a particular softness can be easily associated with this pensive, atmospheric 13-track compilation.

Take, for example, Tim Jackiw’s “Reflection Detail” –the warm and abstract ambiences that flow in this 8-minute epic run parallel to the raw emotions that transpire deep within its core. Wrapped around this core is an ever present pulse that takes you far into the outer rim of electronic minimalism. Vim! delivers his “Preparing for the Future (Extended)”, and as suggested, this rather short piece of musical engineering casually blends harmonic, BoC’esque moods with careful attention to detail for its melodic backdrop. Switching the pace ever so slightly, Eric Skogen’s “Scratchy” shifts things over to a funky, instrumental 8-Bit complex of snappy percussion and melodic tweaks. SIRC cuts a fine path through a breeze of minimal techno layers while it wisps and fades away without a trace. Toby1’s “European” contribution offers up a soft-spoken, poetic female voice brushed carefully over a mellow experimental beat and subtle flute highlight.

It’s quite easy to see that with Volume One, the folks at EEM are set to deliver a genuinely unique sound that is emotionally intact with its soft-natured, eloquent electronic frequencies. With the range of musicians featured on this disc (both established and new to the scene), EEM offers the listener a warm and comfortable soundtrack to the heart and mind, combined. (Don’t forget to Let Secede’s “Seconds With Simon” take you to this place in a matter of 2-minutes; this pleasantly constructed piano piece has such a nostalgic feel to it, that it’s almost impossible to think that it hasn’t already been part of your life).

Volume One is OUT NOW on Electronic Emotional Music.

  • Electronic Emotional Music
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