V/A :: Hybrid Components (Component, CD)

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As a release that might have slipped under the radar for no particular reason, Component Records’ mandate for providing top-quality abrasive electronics has always been intact and rather direct with releases by Proem, Xyn, Codec, Dryft and the like. It goes without saying that on Hybrid Components a unique path of mind altering digits passes through layers of musical genre’s including the mechanical ambiences of Gridlock, the synaptic attractions of Proem’s “Second Class Citizen” all the way through to Panacea’s aggressive drill’n bass attack on “When Panacea Strikes.” Composed of individual “components,” the result of this compilation combines several musical elements and forms a hybrid of electronic mayhem.

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Xyn’s impacting acid-techno contribution on “Rephocus One” punctures a sharp groove that will definitely appeal to dance-friendly listeners. Likewise, Gys’ minimal Berlin techno approach on “Beep” displays a similar aesthetic yet remains subdued and unobtrusive. Cdatakill’s “Vodka Spitter” drops equal parts cut-up beats next to hyper-ryhthms and doesn’t stop for a straight five minutes. Hydrant Records’ own Jeff Allen uses his Brittle Ones moniker on “Vakume” and subliminally creates a landscape of skittery ambiences drenched with digital clips and glitches. Closing off with industrialized machine driven electro, Xynomorph’s “Bag Of Slugs” slithers its way between textured micro-bubbles and decomposed voices. Quite the mixture of tracks on this mechanically enriched disc.

Hybrid Components is just that: A uniquely created compilation set on the forefront of tomorrow’s electronic pulse. Cultivating fresh and abrasive ideas by some of the leaders in the field of experimental electronic music.

Hybrid Components is OUT NOW on Component Records.

  • Component Records
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