Healing Force Project :: Hybrid Furrows (Sequencias)

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 A strong cocktail of stymied synths, divergent beats and bold bass collide in an experimental centrifuge. Demon eyed and fork tongued, this healing force blends the occult with the electronic.

HFP-hybrid-furrows_featSequencias had a very productive 2012. The New York imprint stood tall and proved itself with some excellent releases from Orpheus (Perseus Traxx), D’Marc Cantu and Traxx as well as a belter from Willie Burns. New year and a new artist. Healing Force Project is relatively new, one release on Germany’s Acido Records to date. It’s time for number two from the Project and number five for Sequencias, Hybrid Furrows.

Welcome to uncharted territory. A wall of sound descends, billowing like gale rattle sail. Tremors of synth build, flexing and bulging under their own weight. The track is unsettling, uncomfortable and uncompromising. A bastion of ambience sinks its phonic fingers into the grooves, pithy beats deflected and relegated to background moments. The flip has the same presence. A whiplashed snare is introduced, wandering from its tempo with a jaunty swagger and defiant air. A simmering soup of sound bubbling behind, a broth coursing with electricity and drone. Comparisons aren’t easy, but it feels like a conjuring from the Jamal Moss realm. Finally, this intense and caustic concoction is consumed but not before techno tentacles writhe from the pot for a final fearsome flourish.

Healing Force Project is not like anything Sequencias has released. Sitting somewhere between ambient, house and techno (with the former being strongest) this peculiar brew is the mouthwash of savagery. Primal, the sound strikes and continues to batter. A strong cocktail of stymied synths, divergent beats and bold bass collide in an experimental centrifuge. Demon eyed and fork tongued, this healing force blends the occult with the electronic.

Hybrid Furrows is available on Sequencias.

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