Terminal 11 :: The Heaviness Of Hovering EP (Satellite Era)

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The Heaviness Of Hovering is a baffling five-piece suite that smashes braindance, IDM, and glitchy electronics into one massive behemoth.

Blistered soundtracks to far-off worlds

Ultra-wide and expansive sound forms take over and echo as Mike Castañeda (aka Phoenix-based Terminal 11) takes center stage with Satellite Era. The Heaviness Of Hovering is a baffling five-piece suite that smashes braindance, IDM, and glitchy electronics into one massive behemoth. Castañeda’s vast knowledge of his sonic machinery is impeccable, merging industrial mechanics and fluttering noises with utter fury. Acidic mayhem and blistered soundtracks to far-off worlds; each track is as heavy as a Mac truck. These rhythmic slabs slip and slide across rapid fire beats and breaks as sandblasted modular systems cast a roughened sheen several miles ahead of the pack. A powerful assortment, all tightly packed and ready to implode.

The Heaviness Of Hovering is available on Satellite Era. [Bandcamp]

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