Team Doyobi :: The Kphanapic Fragments (Skam, CD)

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(12.11.06) Alex Peverett and Chris Galdwin now live on opposite sides of the world, but this isn’t getting in the way of their progress. Their third LP, released on the Skam label, is proof enough of this statement. From the off, it is clear that The Kphanapic Fragments has a more focused sound than previous efforts. What were once nuggets of a host of different melodies and rhythms all crammed into the same track on Cryptoburners and Choose Your Own Adventure, are now stretched and given care in terms of mutation and development. Considering the nature of the two albums, The Kphanapic Fragments might have been more aptly named as Choose Your Own Adventure, and vice versa. This makes for a less bumpy ride and a more consistent listen on the whole, however my only gripe with this change in direction is that the element of surprise and the stunning array of tunes on offer before seems to have vanished slightly.

The first two tracks, “Hipatropic Doyobi Drive In Freefall – Dinosaur Green Grass Revisited” and “Dawn of the Apes – Heavy Light Cylinder,” display an ambient side of Team Doyobi that rarely surfaces. They take up half the album, clocking in at over 15 minutes each. Things get kicking with “Metabeast;” a roaring, stomping piece that also wanders from the usual Doyobi sound. “58008” and “Test008” tread more familiar territory, with the zaps and bloops accompanied by delicious mutating melodies. “Mostly Harmless” ends the album on a high, as arguably the most accomplished track they have produced.

Team Doyobi cemented their reputation as a front runner in experimental electronic music when they toured with Autechre in 2001, and this album will do no harm to the Leeds-based duo’s tag as one of the most inventive acts around.

The Kphanapic Fragments is out now on Skam. Buy it at

  • Skam
  • Team Doyobi
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