Tangent :: Evolutionary Cycles (n5MD)

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Pulling at memories we’ve not recalled in years, Tangent offer bewilderingly dense atmospheres—the soundtrack to galaxies we’ve yet to explore.

Tangent :: Evolutionary Cycles (n5MD) — Exclusive stream

Drawing the listener into its mysterious sonic realm

We let Evolutionary Cycles settle in and get comfortable. In rotation for a few months, it’s quite clear that Tangent continue to evolve their soundscape. Filled with an astonishing amount of crunchy ambient layers and post-industrial slivers, there’s a sense of solitude that surrounds this release. The crispiness of each beat, carefully woven into time-stretched drones that could go on for an eternity, crystalized structures are buried deep at its core. Pulling at memories we’ve not recalled in years, the duo offer bewilderingly dense atmospheres—the soundtrack to galaxies we’ve yet to explore. Lost in the midst of time, floating in a foggy mist, Evolutionary Cycles simply fuels the soul. Taking us into darker strains and cinematic themes, cyclic and hypnotic beats are shielded by luminous ambient flutter and shadowy beatwork, drawing the listener into its mysterious sonic realm.

Evolutionary Cycles is available on n5MD. [Bandcamp]

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