Mathematical Objects reveals itself as disjointed yet precise—and ahead of its time.

Disjointed yet precise
Described as “interlocking geometric rhythms and sizzling synthetic textures,” the press release is spot on for Italy-based Sytrjv’s latest Mathematical Objects 5-track extended player released on the burgeoning Point Source Electronic Arts collective. At the onset, “Keleido Median” flickers back and forth with brisk, sharp and metallic melodies that contrasts with its punchy beats. This is where Sytrjv excels—the darker elements (ref. “Cosmodulation”) are carefully weaved between polished grooves that slither about with subtle acid bits and bytes. As these arcane electronic shapes form and deform, tracks like the Autechre-infused “Asymmetrical Symmetry” and “Axial Age” tend to expand into faraway ambient motifs, while still juggling drum patches and spontaneously coherent compositions along the way. As the pH levels of “Partial Coherence” unfold beat-smeared funk, Mathematical Objects reveals itself as disjointed yet precise—and ahead of its time.
Mathematical Objects is available on Point Source Electronic Arts. [Bandcamp]