What sets Sonoio out from the pack is the warmth of compositions; nothing sounds over processed or compressed giving the music room to breath.

[Release page] Alessandro Cortini has been very busy over the last year with his Sonoio project having released his excellent debut Blue, companion remix album Non Sonoio and a portable synthesizer based off the sounds of Blue (an idea since copied by others). Now, less than a year later, his follow up Red is already out.
As with Blue, Red is very much a synth-pop record and stylistically not much of a progression. However, this should not be seen as a detriment and more of a continuation of a theme. What sets Sonoio out from the pack is the warmth of compositions; nothing sounds over processed or compressed giving the music room to breath. It should be noted that majority of the sounds on Sonoio’s are produced using a Buchla Modular system which also has an effect on both the composition and sound design. Vocally, the quite-loud-quiet delivery is used on a number of the tracks and comparisons to Nine Inch Nails (a band in which Alessandro had a tenure in) would not be off-base. As with the synths, the vocals are not overly processed with the exception of some vocoder effects on a few pieces. Overall, an excellent sophomore release for Sonoio and with an upcoming tour alongside Ladytron, big things are ahead for this project.
Red is out now and is available at sonoio.org. [Release page]