Errorgrid, who keep putting out darker sounds of the present future, opens UK-based Nigel Truswell’s account under his Oberman Knocks moniker. Khaptop Arc Phore then takes the imprints theme a step further with a four-track blackened IDM flood of distilled soundscapes.

A four-track blackened IDM flood of distilled soundscapes
Errorgrid, who keep putting out darker sounds of the present future, opens UK-based Nigel Truswell’s account under his Oberman Knocks moniker. Khaptop Arc Phore then takes the imprints theme a step further with a four-track blackened IDM flood of distilled soundscapes. Although “Skenn Flex Rhyde” unleashes fragments of atmospheric debris that grow into enormous soundtrack structures, it’s the otherworldly undertone that propels this track through glitch-like formations. The second audio work, “Pysnatik Lumbart For C,” moves across uneven, textured fragments of landscape; faint, barely perceptible blips and slivers tumble into the shadows, giving the impression that something is about to come to life. The final track, “Ghortaroid Phlanks,” seems to process a wide variety of jumbled and broken ambient morsels as it tries to speak to the listener, pointing us toward a dystopian world we might be able to avoid as the melancholy industrial wastelands of “Anstermer” ebb and flow through off-kilter drones. An energetic and complex EP that efficiently gains momentum. Now let’s hope for a full-length follow-up.
Khaptop Arc Phore is available on Errorgrid. [Bandcamp]