Endless Arc :: Arc Sec 01 (Endless Arc)

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A blistering electrical force field that is punctuated by brutal sonic undulations worth every minute.

Endless Arc, originally intended to be a jazz label that sold lathe cuts from free-jazz and talented artists with the notation sheet, is now a leftfield techno sub-label of the DIY Irrational Media Society electronic music imprint based in Birmingham, UK. Arc Sec 01 is an expressive three-track EP from two musicians and can easily be filed in the heavy beats and smoldering bass section. Defunkt Dialect opens with collapsed breaks and distorted rhythms on “Offculme Variation (Autumn),” an explosive technoid sculpture meant to destroy bass bins. Cult of the Black Noise offers two unique exp-electronic tracks. First is the darkened trail and sinister mood of “Edge Runner,” a Scorn-like manifest that convulses with screeching maniacal noise. Then there’s the closing “6H6” that manipulates Richard Devine-like industrialized bleeps that collide with scorched mechanical percussion. In all, Arc Sec 01 delivers a blistering electrical force field that is punctuated by brutal sonic undulations worth every minute.

Arc Sec 01 is available on Endless Arc.

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