Mika Vainio :: Revitty [Torn] (Wavetrap, CD)

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(10.21.07) Revitty [Torn] is Mika Vainio’s – better known as half of Pan_sonic – second
album for Wavetrap and follows a number of collaboration releases with
the artists such as Christian Fennesz, Chicks on Speed and John Duncan.
His last release in his own right was the In The Land Of The Blind
One-Eyed Is King
for Touch early in 2003. Vainio is considered to be the
abstract minimalist half of Pan_sonic and Revitty [Torn] showcases both these
aspects of his music.

Opening with a series of “Hampatt” tracks numbered one to three, the
first in the trilogy is a mix of fragile minimal electronics punctuated
with bursts of angry electronic noise. The second of the tracks
completely mutilates any sense of rhythm or structure with wave
experimentation while the third track in the trilogy continues the theme
but in a more controlled and slightly more reserved way, bringing some
sort of structure to the electronic destruction Vainio brings in the
form of short outburst of electronic aggression. Revitty, however, is
also an album of contrasts and “Huone 11,” whilst still exhibiting
elements of noise and deep subterranean bass, is largely a dark ambient
piece heavy on sinister intent. After another short noise outburst in
the form of “Tänään,” the 21 minute “Yksinäisyys, Suru, Katkeruus”
(“Loneliness, Sorrow, Bitterness”) graces us with its serene beauty and
chime-like floating tones. Almost telling a story in itself,
“Yksinäisyys, Suru, Katkeruus” is full of subtle ambient texture that
takes an ominous turn of dark foreboding in the middle section whilst
maintaining control over the dark ambient imagery it projects. Following
this is “Raatelu,” a 15 minute onslaught of distorted bass, clattering
electronics and swathes of guitar noise enhanced by what sounds like
desperate screaming but is more likely guitar feedback. The effect is
disturbing and has the effect of depicting real edge of your seat
adrenaline-pumping horror movie tension. Rounding the album off is the
short conclusion of “Loppu” which picks up when “Raatelu” left off but
with more harrowing ambience and cinematic presence that will leave you

The cover of Revitty [Torn] features a child’s bloody drawing of fighting
sharks and the album itself could well be Vainio’s narrative on the
animal by depicting of its grace, terrifying presence and ultimately
it’s potential ferocity. Portraying each of these traits during the
course of the tracks on this album from aggressive noise through
graceful subtlety to a dark air of danger, Vainio’s music ranges from
gentle beauty to manic sonic destruction sometimes from track to track.
Not always easy to listen to but always erring in the side of
experimentation, Revitty [Torn] is ultimately a rewarding listen. The dark
ominous fragility of “Yksinäisyys, Suru, Katkeruus” and the harrowingly
real horror of “Raatelu” leading into “Loppu” alone are worth further

Revitty [Torn] is out now on Wavetrap.

  • Wavetrap
  • Mika Vainio
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