Mihail P :: Multiverse (Distant Worlds)

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In spite of a lack of a discography, this newcomer has a depth and maturity of sound that takes others years to cultivate, he has a subtly of style that few ever master and his enviable ear works with an innate harmony.

Mihail P might not be a name you know, but its one you should. Hailing from Macedonia, Mihail Petrovski arrived on record store shelves in 2016 with a track on Verdant Recordings. Since then he has gone on to put out a split on the same label after a solo effort on Glasgow’s seminal Seventh Sign Recordings. With this head of vinyl steam building up the fledgling artist arrives on Distant Worlds’ with Multiverse.

The EP starts as it means to go on. Lilting melodies, crisp drum patterns and warm pads culminate in “Aphelion,” a track steeped in the traditions of British techno. “Earthbound” is, simply put, magic. The track has all the hallmarks of A13, B12 or Likemind. From its subtle and textured intro the track blooms into a wonder of understated percussion, wavering lines of sweetened synth and cooling chords. The flip follows on from where the A-Side left off. “Cubic Refraction” pares back rhythms to allow soulful strings to scale ever higher in a piece of thought provoking electronics. For anyone after a little bit more bite there’s “Ocean Estate.” Bass lines bully their way past rippling rhythms with a kick drums sidekick adding some extra muscle. Despite this more robust aspect this finale also has its tender side, lush notes spiraling above the thrust and parry of the beats.

Distant Worlds should perhaps change its name to Distant Lands with the UK label managing to source quality electronics from some of the least likely of places in its short existence. Derek Carr from Mullingar and now Mihail P from Macedonia. On a more serious note, Petrovski has managed something very special with this release. In spite of a lack of a discography, this newcomer has a depth and maturity of sound that takes others years to cultivate, he has a subtly of style that few ever master and his enviable ear works with an innate harmony. The only question that remains: when is the double LP album coming out?

Multiverse is available on Distant Worlds. [Juno]

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