Regarding Jon Mace’s background, artistic inspiration, music-making process, and any surprising insights that his followers should be aware of, it is an honor to speak with him through a series of questions and answers on behalf of Igloo Magazine.
Tag: Distant Worlds
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2021
After covering several hundred releases in 2021, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no […]
WE FORFEIT :: Radio Relativa #18 mayo
Diggin’ into some past favorites. Gems, care of Martin Haringer of Das M and Gimmik fame alongside the cracking Toytronic, are unearthed with Gimmik now back releasing on n5MD/Hidden Reality.
Sound Synthesis :: Orbital Frequencies (Distant Worlds)
All that can be said is that this 12” is both brilliant and daring whilst reflecting this Maltese musician’s ample abilities. The lines of genres […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2020
“In the midst of a global pandemic that has dominated 2020—roaming across a cinematic soundscape in flux, and surveying darker, perhaps stranger chasms—(artists) draw inspiration […]
WE FORFEIT (Mix 20) on Radio Relativa :: Show #5 Top Tracks of 2019
The WE FORFEIT lads might be a wee bit behind on the whole Best of 2019, Unmissable from 2019, Why I Loved 2019 shenanigans, but […]
Cignol :: Guidance Release (Distant Worlds)
This diverse musician showcases the breadth of his sound on Guidance Release, absorbing compositions filled with textured layers and engrossing melodies. Simply super from start […]
V/A :: Through Worlds and Centuries (Distant Worlds)
Through Worlds & Centuries brings together musicians who are taking up the mantle of ambient techno, carrying on the audio experiments started in the 90s […]
Mihail P :: Omniverse EP (Distant Worlds)
Omniverse does no mark a change in sound for Mihail P, rather another side of his electronic musings is on display. Percussion has been played […]